
Management Department Student Association (HMDM FEB UB) is the highest executive student body in Management Department Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya. HMDM FEB UB serves to accommodate and channel the aspirations as well as the interests and talents of Management Department students.

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Establish HMDM FEB UB as an organization with integrity, synergy, and progressiveness in providing benefits and a forum for developing and channeling the aspirations of undergraduate students in the Management Department of FEB UB.


  1. Instilling the values ofintegrity, synergy, and progressiveness in the character of Management Department Student Association Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya (HMDM FEB UB) functionaries.
  2. Accommodate and facilitate the aspirations and needs of undergraduate students of the Management Department and foster good relationships with HMDM FEB UB stakeholders..
  3. Explore and develop the innovations and creativity of undergraduate students of the Management Department of FEB UB in supporting the entrepreneurial spirit..
  4. Helping to improve the intellectual ability of undergraduate students of the Management Department in reviewing current issues.

Latest Work Program

The latest work program carried out by the Management Department Student Association of the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya.