ManajemenFEBUB, Malang β We are from Public Relation Department of HMJM FEB UB proudly present βCompany Visit 2020β if you want to know how a company carries out its work and solve various problems in a company then we are the answer!
Then event will be held on:
π 24-25 September 2020
π 13.30 WIB
π₯ Zoom Meeting
Featuring Our Speakers:
π€ Hita Supranjaya Director Of BukaPengadaan at BukaLapak
π€ Futi Firliana Rahman People Engagement SR. Executive at
π€ Leo Wibisono Arifin Vice President at Gojek
Lets register now because today is D-1 close register.
it’s free and very limited!
More information:
Mega 081364776500/inimegakok
Naura 082334336204/nauranorak
IG :Β @companyvisit2k20
OA Line :Β @942wjpeiΒ