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Dr. Siti Aisjah , SE., MS.

Dr. Siti Aisjah, SE., M.S.

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Lektor Kepala




S1 Manajemen




Mata Kuliah
  • Pengantar Ekonometrika & Multivariat
  • Manajemen Keuangan
  • Manajemen Perbankan
  • Investment Analysis
  • Financial Planning
  • Operations Research
  • Manajemen Keuangan Stratejik
  • Penganggaran Perusahaan
  • Pengantar Bisnis
  • Studi Kelayakan Bisnis
  • Perilaku Konsumen
  • Filsafat Ilmu Dan Sejarah Pemikiran di Bidang Manajemen
  • Manajemen Pemasaran Stratejik
  • Dasar Dasar Manajemen dan Organisasi
  • Manajemen Keuangan Internasional
  • Riset Bisnis
  • Operation & Flexibility Management
  • Analisa Laporan Keuangan
  • Teori Manajemen Lanjutan
  • Entrepreneurship & Business Ethics
  • Komunikasi Bisnis Perbankan
  • Manajemen Risiko
  • S1 – Manajemen Keuangan, Universitas Brawijaya
  • S2 – Manajemen Keuangan, Universitas Gadjah Mada
  • S3 – Manajemen Keuangan Strategi, Universitas Brawijaya
Keanggotaan Profesi
  • Ikatan Sarjana Ekonomi Indonesia (ISEI)
  • Asosiasi Ilmuwan Manajemen Indonesia (AIMI)
  • Ketua Bidang Usaha dan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat KORPRI Unit Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis UB
Minat Penelitian
  • Riset Bisnis
  • ConsumerBehavior
  • Penganggaran Perusahaan
  • Financial Planning
  • Leadership dan Entrepreneurship
  • GRI Certified Training and CSRS
  • Certified Financial Planning
Publikasi / Jurnal
  • Aisjah, Siti. (2019). The effect of leadership and organizational culture on employee performance that is educated by motivation (study on the implementation empowerment programs in Jayapura city) (Problems and Perspectives in Management, 17, 2019, 1, hal 268-277).
  • Aisjah,Siti.(2018).Green product buying intentions among young consumers: extending the application of theory of planned behavior, Problems and Perspectives in Management, Volume 16, Issue 2, 2018.
  • Aisjah,Siti.(2018).Credit Expension of MSMEs Loans, Currency Rate and World Oil Price, European Research Studies Journal (ERSJ) Volume XXI, Issues 2 or 3, 2018.
  • Aisjah, Siti. (2018). Influence of fundamental factors on dividend payout policy: study on construction companies listed on Indonesian stock exchange ,WACANA, Jurnal Sosial dan Humaniora , 21(1) , hal 20-25.
  • Aisjah, Siti. (2018). The Utilization of Long-Term Relationship and Supply Chain Performance in Improving SMEs Performance ,American Journal of Theoretical and Applied Business , 4(3) , hal 79-89.
  • Aisjah, Siti. (2018). Does Green Product Consumption Gendered? Investigating Among Millennials in an Emerging Market ,KnE Social Sciences , 3 hal 1226-1235.
  • Aisjah, Siti. (2018). The influence of brand experience and service quality to customer loyalty mediated by customer satisfaction in Starbucks coffee Malang ,Management and Economics Journal (MEC-J) , (2) , hal 161-170.
  • Aisjah, Siti. (2018). Integration of Supply Chain and Information Technology Toward Supply Chain Performance of the Small-Medium Enterprises ,Strategic Alliance Between AGBA and NIDA.
  • Aisjah, Siti. (2018). Penilaian Memorable Tourism Experience sebagai Faktor Penentu Daya Saing Destinasi Wisata dengan Menggunakan Pendekatan Rapid Appraisal (Rap) ,MIX: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen , 8(2) , hal 272-291.
  • Aisjah, Siti. (2018). Green product buying intentions among young consumers: Extending the application of theory of planned behavior ,Problems and Perspectives in Management , 6(2) , hal 145-154.
  • Aisjah,Siti.(2017).The effect of leadership styles on workplace spirituality, teamwork and project performance,International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research | vol: 15 | issue : 5 | 2017-01-01.
  • Aisjah,Siti.(2017).The Impact of Islamic Corporate Governance, Islamic Intellectual Capital and Islamic Financial Performance on Sustainable Business Islamic Banks,J. Bank. Fin. Review 2 (2) 15 – 20 (2017).
  • Aisjah,Siti.(2017).Intellectual Capital and Strategic Flexibility Effect the Performance Companies in Small and Medium Enterprises in Malang-Indonesia,Australian Academy of Accounting and Finance Review 3 (3), 98-110 | vol: | issue : | 2017.
  • Aisjah, Siti. (2017). Sustainable Business of Islamic Bank Through on the Islamic Corporate Governance and Islamic Financial Performance ,SSRN , – ,2017 ,2 , hal 15-20.
  • Aisjah, Siti. (2017). Intellectual Capital and Strategi Flexibility Effect the Performance Companies in Small and Medium Enterprises (Smes) in Malang-Indonesia ,Australian Academy of Business Leadership , – ,2017 ,3 , hal 98-110.
  • Aisjah, Siti. (2017). The effect of leadership styles on workplace spirituality, teamwork and project performance ,International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research , 16 ,2017 , , hal –.
  • Aisjah, Siti. (2017). A Sustainable Business Model in Islamic Bank (Review of the Scientific Literature) ,RJFA , – ,2017 ,2 , hal 23-28.
  • Aisjah, Siti. (2017). Intellectual Capital and Strategic Flexibility Effect the Performance Companies in Small and Medium Enterprises in Malang-Indonesia ,Australian Academy of Accounting and Finance Review , 3 ,2017 ,3 , hal 145-154.
  • Aisjah, Siti. (2017). The Impact of Islamic Corporate Governance, Islamic Intellectual Capital and Islamic Financial Performance on Sustainable Business Islamic Banks ,International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues , 7 ,2017 ,4 , hal 316-323.
  • Aisjah, Siti. (2017). The role of corporate governance and risk management on banking financial performance in Indonesia ,Jurnal Keuangan dan Perbankan , 21 ,2017 ,4 , hal 670-680.
  • Aisjah,Siti.(2017).The Impact of Islamic Corporate Governance, Islamic Intellectual Capital and Islamic Financial Performance on Sustainable Business Islamic Banks , International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 2017, 7(4), 316-323.
  • Aisjah,Siti.(2017),The Impact of Islamic Corporate Governance, Islamic Intellectual Capital and Islamic Financial Performance on Sustainable Business Islamic Banks, International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues 7 (4), 316-323 | vol: | issue : | 2017.
  • Aisjah,Siti.(2017).Leadership Styles in Private Islamic Universities: A Phenomenological Study of University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Indonesia,International Journal of Economic Volume 14 • Number 16 • 2017.
  • Aisjah,Siti.(2017).A Sustainable Business Model in Islamic Bank (Review of the Scientific Literature),Research Journal of Finance and Accounting.
  • Aisjah, Siti. (2016). Pengaruh Laba Akuntansi, Nilai Buku Ekuitas, dan Total Arus Kas terhadap Harga Saham (Studi Pada Perusahaan Manufaktur yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia) ,Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen , 14 ,2016 ,1 , hal 169-175.
  • Aisjah, Siti. (2016). Analisis Variabel-Variabel yang Mempengaruhi Kebijakan Dividen (Studi pada Perusahaan Manufaktur yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia) ,Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen , 14 ,2016 , , hal –.
  • Aisjah, Siti. (2016). Entrepreneurship Education and Entrepreneurial Role Models: How do they affect Entrepreneurial Intentions?(Studies at Management and Business Students in Indonesia Universities) ,Australian Journal Basic & Applied Sciences , 10 ,2016 ,8 , hal 53-59.
  • Aisjah, Siti. (2016). Determinan Harga Saham Perbankan yang Terdaftar (2009-2012) di Bursa Efek Indonesia ,Jurnal Akuntansi Multiparadigma , 6 ,2016 ,2 , hal 185-200.
  • Aisjah, Siti. (2016). PENGARUH KEPEMILIKAN MANAJERIAL, KEBIJAKAN UTANG, KEBIJAKAN DIVIDENTERHADAP KINERJA KEUANGAN DAN BIAYA AGENSI (Studi Pada Perusahaan Manufaktur Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia) ,Jurnal Wawasan Manajemen , 2 ,2016 ,2 , hal 171-188.
  • Aisjah,Siti.(2015).Corporate Social Responsibility Practice of Nickel Mining Company for Community from Phenomenological Perspective: Study at Langgikima Subdistrict, North Kon.International Journal of Business and Management Invention 4 (1), 92-97 | vol: | issue : | 2015.
  • Aisjah,Siti.(2015).The Role of Transformational Leadership, Monitoring and Transparency on Performance (Study on Cities/Regencies Government Units (SKPD) at Bakorwil IV East J…,European Journal of Business and Management 7 (5), 61-78 | vol: | issue : | 2015.
  • Aisjah,Siti.(2015).Why Local Communities Dissatisfaction to CSR Practices of Nickel Mining Companies?,Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 9 (11), 966-972 | vol: | issue : | 2015.
  • Aisjah, Siti. (2015). Performance Based Islamic Performance Index (Study on the Bank Muamalat Indonesia and Bank Syariah Mandiri) ,Asia-Pacific Management and Business Application , 2 ,2015 ,2 , hal 98-110.
  • Aisjah, Siti. (2015). Pengaruh Kinerja Keuangan Perusahaan terhadap Return Saham (Studi pada Perusahaan Manufaktur yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia) ,Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen , 13 ,2015 ,2 , hal 282-298.
  • Aisjah, Siti. (2015). The Effects of Intellectual Capital, Strategic Flexibility, and Corporate Culture on Company Performance: A Study on Small and Micro-Scaled Enterprises (SMEs) in Gerbangkertosusil Region, East Java ,International Business and Management , 11 ,2015 ,1 , hal 1-12.
  • Aisjah,Siti.(2012). Credit Risk and Harmonious Values Practice (Study at Village Credit Institution (Lembaga Perkreditan Desa) Of Bali Province).
  • Aisjah,Siti.(2012).Psychology & Factors of Stock Buying and Selling Behavior in Indonesia Stock Exchange (Phenomenology Study of Investor Behavior in Surabaya).
  • Aisjah,Siti.(2012).Intangible Assets, Competitive Strategy And Financial Performance: Study On Rattan SMEs In Palu City Of Central Sulawesi (Indonesia).
  • Aisjah,Siti.(2012).Corporate DiversivicationStrategytoRestore a FirmValue (A Study of CompaniesRegisteredin Indonesia Stock Exchange).Vol.1.11, Nopember 2011 ISSN: 2090-4304
  • Aisjah,Siti.(2011).Kinerja Keuangan Bank Syariah di Indonesia. Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen FE Unibraw.
  • Aisjah,Siti.(2010).Strategi diversifikasi korporat, struktur modal, dan nilai perusahaan yang tercatat di bursa efek. Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen FE Unibraw.
  • Lihat publikasi selengkapnya di sini.

Aisjah,Siti.(2012).Strategi Diversifikasi Korporat dan Penciptaan Nilai Perusahaan.UB Press.ISBN: 978-602-203-137-6.